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2024年8月のイベントは 浴衣体験


We gathered in summery yukata (light cotton kimono). The designs and patterns unique to yukata make them look somewhat cool even in the heat of the day. Some of them said, “This is my first time to wear a yukata! ".

We had great time with Japanese traditional clothes.

2024年7月のイベントは おはじき遊び



We played with ohajiki.
We played it with basic rules like to aim and hit ohajiki with fingers, and if they hit the ohajiki successfully, they got it! 
After that , we played one-on-one against each other in a curling style. It was a simple game, but very exciting.

*Ohajiki is small discs made of glass, plastic, and other such materials. The discs look like flattened marbles. It was popular as an indoor games especially among girls traditionally.

2024年6月のイベントは あじさいのちぎり絵



Challenge to the chigiri-e art of hydrangea !

Chigiri-e is the artwork which is made from tiny pieces of colored paper.We shredded small pieces of colored newspaper pages and combined them with our favorite colors to create our own hydrangeas.

2024年5月のイベントは お魚カードゲーム


We played a game using cards with fish print. The rule was almost the same as in the game of Memory, where you choose a card so that the front and back halves of the fish are aligned. Everyone had a great time imagining the characteristics of the fish from the kanji and learning the names of fish they did not know!

2024年4月のイベントは 水引アクセサリー作り

I made accessories using mizuhiki.The choice of color, size, and individuality comes out 😊.
Everyone made beautiful mizuhiki accessories at last.

*Mizuhiki is a decorative string used on the front of congratulatory bags, and is the material used mainly for yunoshina (gift wrapping), omotegami (the front cover of a gift), and New Year's decorations.

2024年3月のイベントは 桜餅作り

We made and ate sakura mochi.It looked as good as the wagashi from the store.Those are so delicious 😋.

*Sakura mochi is a Japanese confectionery made from dough made from wheat flour or glutinous rice, azuki bean paste, and salted cherry leaves.

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